Angel’s Santa Assistance.
We have been providing Christmas food hampers since 2016 and in 2018 expanded the program and added toys for local children in need. In 2020 we supplied 213 Christmas food hampers and toys to Bundaberg and surroundings.
What is Angels Santa Assistance?
There are two componates to this program, the first half is a food hamper, but with a Christmas spin on it. We try out best to make the hamper full of Christmas table staples like Christmas pudding, custard, ham, chocolates or candies, some little treats like chips, pancakes and soft drink or cordial. We don’t forget the basics like, rice, pasta, bread, fruit and vegetables.
The second componate is the toys. Christmas is all about the kids, so of course we couldn’t forget about Santa’s gifts. We know sometimes Santa struggles to get to every house on Christmas Eve so thats where Angel’s and our community steps in, every child 0-17 years old on the list gets a toy/present best suited to their age and gender. The toy comes unwrapped so mum and dad can make sure Santa has got it right.
How much does a Christmas Hamper and toy cost per family?
Like all of Angel’s Charity work, it is completely free.
Who supplies all the food and toys then?
Angel’s Santa Assistance relies 100% on community donations. There is no government funding for this program. Every year we reach out to Bundaberg and surroundings, and ask for donations and every year we are blown away with the support from the community, both businesses and individuals. Triple MMM Bundy and ToyWorld Bundaberg have teamed up together since 2018 for the Christmas Crusade, a toy drive, with all donations raised going to Angel’s Santa Assistance. We are so thankful to all the businesses and individuals that donate to this program, we can’t even start to name them all, with well over 50 businesses assisting in 2020.
Who is eligible for a Christmas hamper and toys?
Anyone who needs one. We don’t make our clients jump through hoops to ask for help and get assistance. We understand its hard enough to ask for help, we don’t want to make it more difficult. We run the program on a trust system, one hamper per house hold. Hampers are made in three sizes small, medium and large depending on how many people are in the household, so there is no reason for a household to receive more then one. In November each year we open registration for the hampers and do as many as we can, depending on the donations we receive.
How can I donate to Angel’s Santa Assistance?
There are a couple of different ways, if you would like to donate cash you can do that here. If you would like to donate a toy or physical food we start accepting donations in November at 45a Walla Street Bundaberg or one of the many donation drop off points in town.
How can my business apply to be a donation drop off point?
We had over 10 businesses in 2020 sign up to be a donation drop off point. Each business receives a pack of Santa’s Assistance red bags to give out to clients and customers and poster to display on site. If you would like to be apart of this all you have to do is email us at mail@angelscommgroup.org.au or message us on facebook or instagram and we can arrange that for you.